714019921581311265533141341144G1614G61143111313111411524111114511G1UNUUNN4112111G111UNGNUNG137322211111121111112824211121213As of May 1, 2023Country/RegionAfghanistanAzerbaijanBangladeshBeninChinaFranceGermanyIndiaIndonesiaKoreaLaosMalawiMalaysiaMongolia MyanmarNepalNigeriaOmanPoland RussiaTaiwanThailandTurkeyUKUSAViet NamLaw and Literature1811Total123144Educa-tionHuman SciencesInterdisciplinary Faculty of Science&Engi-neeringMedi-cine201110151811544443536Materi-als for EnergyLife and Environmental Science Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology141920The latest list of our international partnerships can be found at Graduate School of Science &Engineer-ingUnited Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences Tottori U.Total121616As of May 1, 2023* U ---- Undergraduate, N ---- Non degree-seeking Student, G --- Graduate2444605 2 1 1 1 1 1KAZAKHSTAN POLAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND 1 2 2 1 2 26 6 4 12 2NEPAL SRI LANKA TAIWAN THAILAND VIETNAM 1 1 2 6 11 3 1 8 1International Partnerships (Countries and Regions)EuropeFRANCE GERMANY ICELAND IRELAND ITALY Middle EastTURKEY 1AfricaETHIOPIA AsiaBANGLADESH CHINA INDIA INDONESIA KOREA MONGOLIA OceaniaNEW ZEALAND North AmericaCANADA U.S.A. South AmericaBRAZIL Number of Enrolled International StudentsInternational Exchanges