
AcademicCalendar4First Semester beginsSpring Entrance Ceremony, OrientationSpring Entrance CeremonyFinal ExamsSummer VacationIntensive SeminarsSummer Vacation endsFirst Semester endsField Trip for International Students11APRILMAYJUNEJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBERInternational students are able to receive support from tutors through the university’s tutor system. One tutor is assigned to each international student for the first six months of the student’s studies after enrolling in the university or after coming to Japan. Tutors help with various matters such as necessary procedures at the university and at public institutions. Tutors are Japanese students currently enrolled at Shimane University and aid international students in a number of ways: talk on a regular basis, help with studies, research and daily life, and offer support to improve Japanese language skills. Professors and staff at the International Center and International Division assist tutors in carrying out their activities. Through help from tutors, international students are able to hit the ground running with a well-prepared student life in Japan.Shimane University offers elementary, intermediate and advanced level Japanese language courses and Japanese Culture Studies courses for international students. Elemen-tary courses require a proficiency level of JLPT N5 or higher. The content of the Japanese classes are as follows: compo-sition, reading, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar. These classes are officially recognized and provide academic credits upon completion. Furthermore, there are a variety of non-accredited courses available to all international students.Tutor System for International StudentsJapanese Language and Japanese Culture Studies56789Campus Life & Student Support

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